Saturday, May 9, 2015

Finding a Path-Staying Grounded Day 5-Aberdaron

We began the morning in St.David's having been fed emotionally, spiritually, and physically by Janet and the Pilgrim Center staff of St.David's Cathedral the day before. Some took to the shoreline for early morning private prayers. Some read and journaled, some took much needed rest.

We boarded the bus for a long drive in pouring down rain to Aberdaron and St. Hwywn's parish and an evening of deeply moving poetry and reflection led by Susan Fogarty of the parish. To be enmeshed with the poetry of R.S. Thomas, the great 20th century Welsh Priest and poet IN the holy, ancient, and secret space of this hauntingly beautiful place , parts of which dates back to the 10th century was remarkable. In the space are two stone grave markers of two 5th century Roman Priests who had come to this remote Peninsula carrying the Gospel of Christ. I touched the stones and felt awe for their courage to venture into distant and wild lands. I reflected on all who they loved and loved them and just how distant they were from them. My heart broke for them. Following a path of faith seems to be like this......full of adventure and courage and sometimes heartbreaking. I think this is why Some of R.S. Thomas' poetry seems so poignant. He seemed to know this tension in life and in faith. Hen wasn't afraid to write about it.

Staying Grounded, written by Janet Felix

This morning at 6 am I went out for a walk that turned out to be the most amazing walk of my life so far. I ventured down the path toward the cliffs at St. David's. Thoughts filled my mind as I looked out at the beauty ahead of me.
Thank you God for all the blessings of our world. The beauty and peace I see fills me with your love and grace. To hear the sounds of waves, the seagulls and the cows, let me know that I am meant to be where I am in this world.
There was a sign that said "Cliffs kill, stay on path". I laughed at first but then thought about this message. It is good to wander and explore, but don't wander too far as you might slip away from what keeps you grounded.

Gifts, written by Sarah King

Everyday (of this journey) has brought me a Gift. A new knowledge, a renewed spirit, a new understanding. Yesterday's gift came while standing in St.David's Cathedral. Looking ahead of me of me was a magnificent Altar. As I walked around this Sacred space I was told to turn around and look behind me at the stone arches. Carved in stone and holding the doorways, each ceiling is a masterpiece BUT will be missed If YOU DON'T look up!
As I sat and meditated on the day it came to me.
Look ahead with your eyes open. Look at the past but remember to see the beauty.

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