Friday, May 8, 2015

Day 4 St.David's Cathedral and Pilgrim Center. "The Red Sea" and "I am a Pilgrim"

Today we leave the warm embrace of the Benedictine community and board our "coracle", in our case the bus. Our wanderings include an unplanned stop this day in Bryn Mawr, one of our pilgrims in search of connection with her ancestor's lives, lived in that small village in Wales. (Her reflection is below)We continue our journey now to the Cathedral and shrine of St.David and hand ourselves over to Janet the director of the Pilgrim Center who invites us into the spirit of St. David. David of course the Celtic saint born on the shoreline of Wales called to a monastic life in 600 a.d. Establishing a monastery whose ruins stand now next to the ancient medieval cathedral. A visit to Non's chapel (mother of st.David) and well, where ancient pilgrim paths brought thousands seeking healing from the waters of this well. The landscape is strikingly beautiful here, situated on the shore, the sea, sky and hills create almost a womb of beauty. I understand why pilgrims are drawn to it. Below are two reflections written by Pilgrims of their experience of our day.

                                          "I am a Pilgrim" written by Melanie Kerber

The sun brightly shone as I awoke to a very exciting day on my journey. Today I was to visit Bryn Mawr, the home of my Powell ancestors. I had the help of my fellow pilgrims engineering this visit. Their love and patience to indulge me was felt to my very core. I never expected to see Brynmawr this trip, but maybe when you don't expect, you are given.
We arrived in Bryn Mawr and were met unexpectedly by two angels, Rebecca and another woman who lived on Wells street- the street I yearned to see! Rebecca volunteered to show us the way. As I hugged and thanked her she said "we are a small community and that is why we are so kind". 
Could this really be that I would get to step in the footpath of my ancestor Sarah Powell? Would I feel connectedness? I understand now all the dots connected for me to embark on this pilgrimage with strangers who now feel like extended family. I wasn't prepared to connect with my celtic roots. I'll never know if I saw their actual house or not, but I was there! The gratitude I feel is beyond words.

"Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths,
And where the best road is,
Walk on it and live in peace."  Jeremiah 6:16. NIV

I am a Pilgrim!

                        Crossing the Red Sea,  written by Cathy Bailey

Our leader at St.Davids Cathedral (janet) led us to the ancient Baptismal font. There she told us the Godly play story of the desert. Moses and theIsraelites were slaves and when they were able to escape they were trapped by the Red Sea. God parted the Red Sea and the Israelites were able to get away from Egypt.  Janet asked " I wonder what part if the story spoke to you? " My answer- this pilgrimage is like crossing the Red Sea. I am not sure what will be on the other side when I get there, but I know that God will be there, just as God is there as we cross this time together. (End)

                             Abderdaron and Bardsey Island are next.  A poem from r.s Thomas

Something to bring back to show
you have been there: a lock of God's
hair, stolen from him while he was
asleep; a photograph of the garden
of the spirit. As has been said,
the point of travelling is not
to arrive, but to return home
laden with pollen you shall work up
into the honey the mind feeds on.

What are our lives but harbours
we are continually setting out
from, airports at which we touch
down and remain in too briefly
to recognise what it is they remind
us of? And always in one
another we seek the proof
of experiences it would be worthy dying for.

Surely there is a shirt of fire
this one wore, that is hung up now
like some rare fleece in the hall of heroes?
Surely these husbands and wives
have dipped their marriages in a fast
spring? Surely there exists somewhere,
as the justification for our looking for it,
the one light that can cast such shadows.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nativity Pilgrims, thank you for your posts. It's a joy to virtually share this experience through your words. Please know our prayers are with you. Safe and spiritual journey! Many thanks and blessings.
