Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Celtic Discovery: We begin.

                                                     Belmont Abbey, Hereford, U.K.

We begin our pilgrimage. 18 pilgrims will depart Sunday afternoon May 3 at 4:30 p.m. from the Cathedral Church of the Nativity to begin a 10 day pilgrimage to Wales. We take our place in the great tradition and heritage of celtic "peregrinatio" following long worn paths where pilgrims have gone before so that we might simply yet profoundly grow closer to our God and our Lord Jesus Christ. We are fortunate to be met on our way by spiritual friends who welcome us and nourish us on this journey.

We begin our journey with the companionship and guidance of Esther Moir deWaal, author and spiritual guide. Esther will join us at Belmont Abbey and invite us into a Celtic spirit of discovery. We will be welcomed and led by the staff of St. David's Cathedral Pilgrim Center in historic St. David's Pembrokeshire. We will follow the cross in the small parish church of St. Hwywn's where welsh poet R.S. Thomas served as vicar and wrote his poignant poems. A centerpiece and highlight of our journey will be our joining  like thousands of celtic pilgrims before, as will travel to Bardsey Island off the cost of Aberdaron, a destination for many faithful souls on the "longest journey" for spiritual union with Christ. Our steps trace backward on the North Pilgrim's way to the Cathedral of St. Asaph. A holy path of holy discovery we pray.

We invite you to "follow along" on this journey. We invite your prayers, your hearts, your longings, your soul's desires to meet with us the holy one who creates, redeems, and sustains us. Below is our itinerary and a poem written by prolific Welsh poet R.S. Thomas entitled Pilgrimage.

                                                          Our itinerary

Sunday May 3        Depart Newark 9:40 p.m.  for  London

Monday May 4       Arrive Heathrow, travel to Belmont Abbey, Hereford, U.K.

Tuesday May 5       Esther Moir deWaal- Dore Abbey, Kilpeck, Esther’s cottage

 Wed      May 6        Hereford Cathedral, Tintern Abbey, Evening with Esther deWaal

 Thur      May 7       St. David’s Cathedral and Pilgrim Center  Pembrokeshire

Friday    May 8       St. Hywyn’s- Aberdaron- R.S. Thomas- Stations of the cross

Satur     May 9        Bardsey Island,  Late Afternoon to Llandudno

Sun       May 10      St. Asaph’s Cathedral –North Pilgrim’s Way

Mon     May 11       Day in Llandudno     4:00 p.m. depart for Manchester

Tue       May 12       Depart Manchester 9:25 a.m. arrive Newark 12:20 p.m.
                                      Pilgrimages by R.S. Thomas

There is an island there is no going

to but in a small boat the way

the saints went, travelling the gallery

of the frightened faces of

the long-drowned, munching the gravel

of its beaches. So I have gone

up the salt lane to the building

with the stone altar and the candles

gone out, and kneeled and lifted

my eyes to the furious gargoyle

of the owl that is like a god

gone small and resentful. There

is no body in the stained window

of the sky now. Am I too late?

Were they too late also, those

first pilgrims? He is such a fast

God, always before us and

leaving as we arrive.

There are those here

not given to prayer, whose office

is the blank sea that they say daily.

What they listen to is not

hymns but the slow chemistry of the soil

that turns saints' bones to dust,

dust to an irritant of the nostril.


There is no time on this island.

The swinging pendulum of the tide

has no clock: the events

are dateless. These people are not

late or soon: they are just

here with only the one question

to ask, which life answers

by being in them. It is I

who ask. Was the pilgrimage

I made to come to my own

self, to learn that in times

like these and for one like me

God will never be plain and

out there, but dark rather and

inexplicable, as though he were in here.     


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